TNF to the World: A Welcome Note from Pratim Roy

by Team TNF

Image: ramya reddy


A dream that I had while on a visit to the US in 2008 has been realised now with The Nilgiris Foundation that we have set up in San Francisco, USA. That dream was to facilitate intellectual collaborations between the two countries through the exchange of knowledge and ideas. All the initiatives and exchanges possible between the US and India, though still in their nascent stage, seem promising. In small and in big ways, through baby steps as well as big policy decisions, the potential and possibilities are immense.

So I am very happy about the launch of this new website, the TNF website, which Ramya and her team have very craftily done. It goes out in the world to say here we are, we have arrived, we want to have new partnerships, new collaborations, new associations to take this dream forward. We want to welcome you all on board this new and beautiful adventure.



Keystone Foundation & The Nilgiris Foundation